- The participant is solely responsible for her/his own health and wellbeing. Neither the facilitator nor the organiser and/or any other second or third party involved in the event including owners, directors, partners, staff or volunteers are responsible for any physical or emotional distress or injury that may be sustained during or as a result of the event.
- The participant confirms that she/he is not predisposed to or suffers from any form of mental or physical impairment, and has not been diagnosed with a disorder, condition or injury, that might make it inadvisable for her/him to take part in the event.
- The family constellation virtual events are not a health therapy or a substitute for it, but can enhance the mentally, emotionally and physically wellbeing, and is intended to educate and provide self-helping tools.
- The participants can choose any name on Zoom and change the name on Zoom any time during the event.
- The participant can leave the event at any time without any reason.
- The participant can be excluded from the event at any time before or during the event if she/he/they doesn’t behave with respect towards the facilitator or fellow participants, especially when she/he is or behaves as if intoxicated, displays inappropriate behaviour, uses abusive language and acts in any other unacceptable way.
- After booking the event payments will not be refunded when the participant is cancelling or doesn’t show up at the event. If the notice of cancellation is received by us more than 7 days prior to the start of the event the participant can book a future event in the same category and will receive a 50% discount upon request.
- The event can be rescheduled by MarianneL up to 2 times due to one or all of the following reasons: insufficient amount of participants, indisposed facilitator, technical problems to host the event, natural or manmade local or global circumstances that prohibit to host the event. If the event cannot be rescheduled and has to be cancelled by Marianne, a full refund will be given within 14 days.
- The participant is NOT PERMITTED to record the event, take screenshots or screen-record parts of or the whole event or to us any of these materials to share it either privately or in public.
- To partake in any family constellation virtual event the participant has to be 18 years or older. The participant confirms by booking the event to be older than 18 years